Bigger is Better at Christmas

Gough & Gray think Bigger Bottles are Better when it comes to Christmas.

We were busy sourcing Summer and Christmas Lunch friendly wine for Christmas and Magnums were on top of the list. Why?

✨Taste: Wine in a Magnum is kept fresher due to slower ageing, adding more complexity and nuance

✨Bang for Buck - at 1.5 liters, a magnum is two standard wine bottles, so 10 guests can get a healthy glass of wine. We're also finding the prices of Magnums lately to be exceptionally good value...especially with certain producers and retailers.

✨Prestige: Champagne in particular responds well to being bottled in magnum, both because of the slow aging process and because many Champagne producers will also release magnums later than standard-sized bottles, allowing the consumer to access older, more complex wines (even in non-vintage blends)

...and look, serving a Magnum ups the ante of Christmas Lunch and is sure to impress your Grandma.

Need help sourcing the perfect wine stash this Christmas? It’s never too early to start!



